Monday, October 27, 2008

This week in Spanish class: 10/27/08-10/31/08

¡Hola! I hope everyone had a great weekend! This week in class we will be reviewing vocabulary and learning about the academic classes.

Monday: Vocabulary review game! Ms. McIntire will test your vocabulary skills!

Tuesday: Introduction of academic classes in Spanish. Please see vocabulary sheet if you are confused.

Wednesday: Begin new short story in Spanish. The students will participate in a mini-group scenario given to them by Ms. McIntire. Yes, this is a class participation grade!

Thursday: 1st day of review before the test. The class will rotate in groups to various stations that will help them study the material they will cover on the test.

Friday: 2nd day of review. Each student will receive a review packet that they will use to “test themselves.” This will help each of them know what they need to study for Monday’s test!
Question of the week 10/27-10/31

Who was Pablo Picasso?
When and where was he born?
Name one famous thing he created.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This week in Spanish Class 10/21/08- 10/24/08

Tuesday 10/21/08: Students will review the classroom objects covered in the previous week. Students will also perform "real-world" skits in class.

Wednesday10/22/08: Students will be introduced to new classroom vocabulary. Students will begin to learn about the various academic classes in Spanish.

Thursday 10/23/08: Students will review for the quiz on Friday

Friday 10/24/08: Quiz. Once every student has completed the quiz, the class will begin their P.A.T. time, or preferred activity time.

Question of the Week
When was the country of Costa Rica established?
What are the colors of their flag?
What is the significance of their flag?

Friday, October 10, 2008


Hello students and parents! I'm glad you could visit!

This week in Spanish class: 10/13/08-10/20/08

Monday: We will be going to the language lab! Students will take an oral quiz using the latest and greatest technology! Each student will be recorded in Spanish, and will have the opportunity to hear themselves speak in another language! How cool!

Tuesday-Thursday: We will begin the classroom unit in Spanish. During this unit students will learn about the various academic classes, such as math, science, etc. The students will also learn vocabulary as it relates to objects in the classroom. We will also begin working with -er and -ir verbs in Spanish. It will be great!

Friday and Monday: Look out, its movie time! We will be watching the Road to El Dorado in SPANISH!


What Hispanic person won the Nobel prize in physics for his discoveries of subatomic particles? When did he receive this award? What country was he from?

Don't forget to always show your wildcat pride!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Azelf - Pokemon legendary

koro-azelf, originally uploaded by PokePlushProject.

Here's what Azelf looks like in anime. For halloween costume ideas, see the post below.

Azelf costume idea

Azelf, originally uploaded by shadowthehedgehog121.

This is the closest I could come to finding an Azelf costume. If your child wants to be this pokemon, I suggest finding blue pants and ablue sweater (or tshirt) light blue, btw, and then a blue pointy hat. On that hat, you'll glue, pin, or sew a red oval, like a jewel, that ruby color on the center of his/her hat.

For Azelf's tail, I suggest to blue straps like are in the picture.

I'll post a photo of Azelf above in case you want what the actually pokemon looks like

Keyworsds: azelf pokemon costume, ideas for homemade pokemon costumes, azelf do-it-yourself pokemon costume for halloween
