Hi there..
My name is Maureen, and I am a second year student in USM Main Campus Penang. This semester, I've seen a lot of juniors, and it triggers back a nostalgic memory of myself when I was a junior. Life as a junior was not easy, I admit, even being a senior was not easy either. In short, life as a university student was not easy, but I have no doubt that university life will be the most exciting part of your life. Why not? Freedom + not need to work = adventure and excitement!! Wohoo~!
So, here's a few way how you can survive your life in a university.
1) Be wise with your money, but be wiser with your study.
- Money is important. Not to money-minded people only but to every student out there. So, if there is someone trying to lure you into something like business but you have to spend money before that, then it's not worth your money or time. Concentrate on your studies. If you want to earn some money, earn it during your holiday. It's not worth it to find a part time job when you have a busy schedule and then neglect your studies because of it. If you think you got many expenses to pay, then save your money, especially on eating. Not that I encourage you to skip eating, but eat vegetables instead of meat, so you will be charged cheaper that way.
2) Join some clubs and involve yourself in co-curricular activities
- With this, you'll learn new skills, especially people skill, on how to communicate effectively and how to work with people. If you are one of the EXCOs, you'll learn a lot, on procedures, how to work in an organized team, be more discipline and such. But at the same time, you have to balance with your studies. I remember that sometimes I compromise on my studies just to make sure I finish my work for my club. Now, I think, it's better I do not compromise any of them. Just concentrate on both, and give up my entertainment to concentrate on both. ;)
3) Never be too ashamed to ask something that you are clueless about..
-Being a first year student is the best time to ask a lot of questions without being getting labelled as blur. Therefore ask a lot of questions while you still have the chance, than asking it when you are already a sophomore, then it would be more embarrassing. E.g: Asking the way to any offices in the university, how to look for books in the library, etc.
4) Never be late in handing in your assignment
- Needs no further explanation. Nobody wants to jeopardize their marks, right?
5) Respect your seniors and your peers.
- Always smile to them, though some of them may not remember your face. I did this quite a lot, some to the extend of humiliating myself, but better be humiliated than to be mistaken for a snob, right?
6) Don't forget your family back at home.
-Always try your best to keep in touch with your family. Not to the extend of calling daily, you'll cost your family lots of money and also your heart will be too much left at home until you have no mood to move on with university life. You have to embrace your university life, and if you are too attached to home, there's no chance for you to enjoy your university life. And of course your parents back at home will understand if you could not call them daily, right? Call them three times a week, and also during your free time. Let them know that you are safe and sound, and they'll support you in everything you do. :)
7) Wait till next year to be involved in a relationship if you're still single
- Okay, since you're still first year, not need to rush yourself to be in a relationship no matter how tempting you are to receive nice gifts during Valentine's Day. Wait until the next semester, or the next year to be in a relationship. If you involve yourself in a relationship so early while at the university, you'll have to commit your time to your partner and there's no time to socialize with your friends. Then, if you suddenly break up, there's only a few friends whom you can turn to right? You'll find yourself so alone and vulnerable.
So, during your first year, try to make many connections, friends and acquaintances and spend your time with them. If you mix around with guys by just becoming their casual friends, you will know which guy can be the one having the chemistry with you, right? And you will understand guys more (e.g:their bad habits) so that you can tolerate with their habits once you're in a relationship later. Okay, the same goes for guys too. You have to know a lot of girls and how they behave before you're going to understand one. As they say, you have to be patient and do a lot of survey before purchasing your ideal item. So the same goes with looking for a partner. If you just simply become a girlfriend of the guy you have a crush on without knowing much about him, when you know about his bad habits, it's too late to say no without breaking his heart, right? So, be patient, and God will let you find a good partner for yourself. ;)
Okay, so these are the few tips I am sharing with all of you juniors out there for now. This may not be a holistic approach and it's just something I thought out randomly, but I think this tips can be useful to some too. Hehehe. Chao!!