This week in Spanish class: 9/28/09- 10/2/09
Periods 1,6,8- Writing and Speaking Test. Period 7- Vocabulary quiz
Periods 1,6,8 Students will be in the language lab. In order to simulate learning teacher will go over clothing and weather power point. Students will go over the vocabulary from the clothing chapter. The teacher will put up a picture and ask the students various clothing questions. After students review the vocabulary they will watch a short video clip about clothing vocabulary. Students will write down the clothing items they hear. The students will receive a partner worksheet in which they will ask each other questions about clothing.
Periods 1,6,8 Students will be in the language lab. In order to simulate learning teacher will go over clothing and weather power point. Students will go over the vocabulary from the clothing chapter. The teacher will put up a picture and ask the students various clothing questions. After students review the vocabulary they will watch a short video clip about clothing vocabulary. Students will write down the clothing items they hear. The students will receive a partner worksheet in which they will ask each other questions about clothing.
Period 7- Pronoun review. Students will listen and sing the pronoun song. Students will review their pronoun sheet with a partner on how to teach Spanish pronouns. Page 14 in blue book.
All periods- Computer lab. Periods 1,6,8- clothing games from websites.
All periods- Computer lab. Periods 1,6,8- clothing games from websites.
Period 7- review ser from ser websites.
Periods 1,6,8 Review of stories students wrote for homework. Students will come up and explain what they are wearing to the class using clothing vocabulary in the verb llevar. Students will use skits to talk about this.
Periods 1,6,8 Review of stories students wrote for homework. Students will come up and explain what they are wearing to the class using clothing vocabulary in the verb llevar. Students will use skits to talk about this.
Period 7: Review pages 44-46 and 15 and 16 in blue book.
Periods 1,6,8 clothing vocabulary bingo.
Period 7 test.
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