Saturday, October 16, 2010

Kids, I Ain't Kidding You~

Imagine... you have prepared your lessons the night before. You read the Gospel like you never did before just because you wanted to relate your teaching with the Gospel today. You had planned what you wanted to teach, what you wanted to mention during the class. You wanted to do your best in your lesson today, but then, when you entered the class, there was one kid, kept running around the class with noises and gave a lot of troubles for the class. You wanted to ignore him, but he won't let you. When you give him attention, he was rebelling against you. You are clueless what he wants from you.


Meet Ray (bukan nama sebenar) a kid who won't let you teach in peace, and yours truly, a part-time Catechism teacher who is truly clueless about handling kids like Ray.

It was Elo and my turn today to teach the Catechism class to the Standard 2 pupils at the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows. And guess what, I thought Ray could have behaved better today than my last experience with him, but boy I was so wrong. His negative vibes was spreading to the other kids, but thank God, really, really thank God that I had the lollipops that Claire gave to me that kept some of them well-behaved through out the lesson.

I threatened not to give them the lollipops if they do not behave - and it worked *wink2*- but not with Ray. He was oh-so-impossible. (-_-") His little brother, Morrie (bukan nama sebenar) was more well-behaved than him - as far as I remember, and I ain't sure what to do with him. I guess I need help from my sister next year if we met him again.

Well, what we did today was that, I asked Ray to lead the opening prayer by reading the prayer prepared in the text book. He was trying to be funny at first but when I said the word 'Lollipop', he began to behave... but for a little while. (-_-")

Then, after like teaching them about the two lessons from the book, I asked them to write their own prayers - because at the start of the lesson, when I asked them about the prayer they recited before they eat, all the answers I got was Hail Mary and Our Father. So, I wanted them to be creative and try to compose their own prayers. I mean, I want them to pray from their heart, and not from their memory. I mean, how many vocabulary of the Our Father and Hail Mary that a kid really understand? Right? I didn't understand most of the vocab when I was their age. Yea, I am aware that they need to know about the prayers but let's not limit their prayers - let them pray too for what they want from their heart.

Some of them did good job in composing their own prayer while some of the kids' own prayer was kinda cute. Lol. "God, please help me. Please God." -- An excerpt from Harry 's (bukan nama sebenar) prayer. Then there was this girl, Nicky (bukan nama sebenar), where her prayer really was the best among the rest so far. Her prayer was like "God, please help me. Please help the people with no hand, please help the people with no home." I was like, "Wow, look kids. Her prayer is good because she is not only praying for herself but for others too. I want you to include others in your prayer."

The kids in the class, each of them is different from the other. There are hyperactive while there is some who's so quiet.

Overall, my two times experience with the kids were really good, though Ray is kinda out of control. Maybe it's just that phase, that naughty phase of your childhood. Once he grow older, he will be more in control perhaps. *cross fingers*

We were really blessed to have the chance to experience teaching these kids. Hopefully the next semester we will be more prepared to face the children. ;)

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